Turnitin Instructor Guide-Managing exclusions and filters
Managing exclusions and filters

Exclude quoted text, bibliographic content, and reference materials from within a Similarity Report to remove those matches from the report. This can possibly affect the score percentage, and help provide a more focused assessment. 

1.To exclude quoted text and/or bibliographic materials from within the report, select the red Filter 23476785542413 icon from the similarity toolbar.


2.From the Filters and Settings side panel, use the checkboxes to make bibliography and quote exclusions from the report.


           For more details, please refer to How exclusions and filters refine the Similarity Report

3.Select the Apply Changes button at the bottom of the right-side panel to confirm and renew the report with your change now reflected in the submission.


Matches by word count or %

Excluding small matches allows you to exclude matching against sources with a small amount in common with the submission. For example, it's possible to exclude matches fewer than 20 words in total, or less than 10% in total.

The percentage is based on the total word count of the student's submission. For example, if a student submitted a 5,000 word submission, and you have this set to 10%, it will exclude sources of less than a 500 word match.

1.To exclude text from the report according to its size, click the red filter icon from the similarity toolbar. 
2.From the Filters and Settings side panel, use the radio and text boxes to determine which exclusions should apply to the submission you are viewing. You can exclude sources that are less than a certain number of words, or a certain percentage of words. For example, filtering by 10 words will exclude all sources that have a cumulative number of matching words that are less than 10 words in length.
3.Select Apply Changes at the bottom of the right-side panel to confirm and regenerate the report with your change now reflected in the assignment.

1.To exclude sources using the Match Overview side panel, choose the red numerical similarity score in the similarity toolbar.
2.All matches will be displayed within the Match Overview side panel.
3.To access each match in more detail and exclude sources, select the arrow to the right of the relevant similarity percentage.
4.At the bottom of the Match Breakdown side panel, select the Exclude Sources button.
5.Using the checkboxes, select each source to exclude from the report. The Exclude button at the bottom of the panel will show the amount of sources chosen.
6.Select the Exclude button to confirm and regenerate the report for that submission.

1.To exclude sources using the All Sources side panel, select the list icon located under the score number in the similarity toolbar.
2.Select the Exclude Sources button at the bottom of the All Sources side panel.
3.Use the checkboxes to choose each source to exclude from the report. The Exclude button at the bottom of the side panel displays the number of sources you have selected to exclude.
4.Select the red Exclude button to confirm. To clear your selections and go back, choose Cancel.

1.To view sources that have been excluded from the Similarity Report, select the red Exclude icon from the similarity toolbar.
2.If you have excluded any sources from the report, they will be listed in the side panel under Excluded Sources. Use the checkboxes to select any sources you would like to restore. Select the Restore button to continue. 
3.To restore all excluded sources in the list, choose the Restore All button.
4.To restore all excluded sources in the list, choose the Restore All button.