Turnitin Instructor Guide-Creating a paper assignmen

1. Click the All Classes tab. From the main homepage, the instructor must click on the name of the class to view the class portfolio. 


2. In the class portfolio, click on the Add Assignment button.



3. Enter the assignment title / Instructions (optional) / Submit papers to / Start Date and Due Date


4. Optional Settings

Please click Optional Settings to finish assignment settings.


Submission settings

  • Please check Allow submission of any file type.
  • Please do not check Allow late submissions.
            If the due date has passed, students will not be able to submit. 


Similarity Report

  • Please check Generate Similarity Reports for student submission.
Select the second option: Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due day): After 3 resubmissions, reports generate after 24 hours.
  • Enable Translated Matching is an optional setting.
When translated matching in  enabled Turnitin will generate a separate Similarity Reports based on Englsih translations of students' non-English language.
  • Please check Allow students to view Similarity Reports.
  • For the following three exclusion settings, it is recommended not to check them initially. 
If  necessary, students can manually exclude them on their own. 


Compare against

The search options setting allows you to select which Turnitin repositories students' submissions will be checked against when processing Similarity Reports for papers. Please check all the options below.


Exclude assignment template

If you have provided a template document for your students to follow, these can now be excluded from the Similarity Report  by uploading the template or copying the text into the Create Custom Template field.


Additional settings

Save these options as your defaults for future assignments.
Click "Submit" to finish assignment settings.



source: https://guides.turnitin.com/hc/en-us/articles/26742833717773-Creating-a-Similarity-Feedback-assignment