Turnitin Instructor Guide-Student Management
Student Management

Enrolling students individually

From the class homepage click on the students tab to open the student list for the class. 

Click the add student button.



Enter the required information -the student first name, last name, and Email address.
Click submit to enroll the student. A welcome Email will be sent to the user.



Enrolling students from a list

You may upload a student list to add to a class.


You need to pay attention to the File Formatting Guidelines. The first name, last name, and email address in this orcder for each student must be provided. 


Choose a file to upload. Click submit to upload the student list file.


The student list will be displayed. Check the displayed list for errors. To submit this list, click" yes, submit. "
Once yes, submit has been selected the screen will display the enrolled list of student users. 

source: https://guides.turnitin.com/hc/en-us/articles/25791878274701-Enrolling-students