Turnitin Instructor Guide-Instructor self-submission paper check
Instructor self-submission paper check
Instructor Accounts can upload personal documents as well as student papers to the originality checking system.  Choose one of the following choices.
1.If the class and assignment parameters are already set up, simply select the class name view the assignment. Then select 'more actions' and then 'submit'
2.Submit file: there are 4 submission methods
  •   Single File Upload: limit to one file.
  •   Multiple File Upload:  able to upload multiple files at once.
  •   Cut & Paste Upload:  copy and paste the selected text into the text box.
  •   Zip File Upload: select the zip file that will be uploaded.
3.Author settings
Select an enrolled student name using the author pull down menu on the submission page. Papers submitted by an instructor on behalf of a student will appear in the student portfolio just as if the student made the submission.
You can add yourself as a student and select yourself in the author field if you want to submit your papers.
4.Then enter the submission title.
5.You have a choice to upload a file from:  A computer / Dropbox /  Google Drive.
6.Click Upload to upload this file.
7.After uploading a file, the first page will be displayed for review to confirm the correct file was selected. Use the arrows to check additional pages. To finalize the upload, click Confirm, or click Cancel to re-submit with the correct file.
8.Once the submission is complete, the digital receipt is displayed. 
By using the quick submit function, users do not need to set the course or assignment parameters, but the search parameters need to be set with each submission. Both instructor’s papers and students’ papers can be checked. 
1.Activating quick Submit
To activate quick submit, click User Info from the top of the instructor homepage. On the preferences page, select yes from the activate quick submit drop-down. menu.




The quick submit tab will appear on the instructor homepage, making the quick submit inbox available for use.




2.Submitting via quick submit

(1) Click on Submit button in the top left corner of the quick submit inbox.


(2) Select the databases that the submitted paper or papers will be checked against.

        Please check all available sources.

(3) Submit papers to: please choose 'no repository'.


(4) Continue to the paper submission page by selecting the Submit button.

(5) You can now upload to Turnitin using familiar methods: upload a single file, a zip file with multiple papers, or cut-and-paste. 


Each time you use quick submit, please pay attention to the “Submit Papers to:” drop down box, this will determine how your data is treated within the Turnitin system.  Please choose 'No Repository' your data will not be stored. 

source: https://guides.turnitin.com/hc/en-us/articles/22046016193165-Submitting-via-quick-submit