• 00:00 1.
    Introducing EndNote20
  • 03:11 2.
    Installing EndNote on Windows
  • 10:45 2.1
    Installing EndNote on Mac
  • 13:32 3.
    Creating an EndNote Library on Windows
  • 17:05 3.1
    Creating an EndNote Library on Mac
  • 19:10 4.
    Introducing user interface
  • 22:00 5.
    Adding new references to the library
  • 22:28 5.1
    Exporting references from Web of Science
  • 28:30 5.2
    Exporting references from EBSCOhost
  • 30:44 5.3
    Exporting references from Google Scholar
  • 35:03 5.4
    Exporting references from PubMed
  • 38:19 5.5
    Importing references from PDF
  • 49:03 5.6
    Manually adding references
  • 54:50 6.
    Managing your EndNote Library
  • 55:25 6.1
    Finding full text
  • 1:02:55 6.2
    Checking for duplicates
  • 1:08:08 6.3
    Using groups
  • 1:15:10 6.4
    Editing PDF
  • 1:20:00 7.
    EndNote and Word
  • 1:20:12 7.1
    Inserting citations
  • 1:30:20 7.2
    Editing and deleting citations
  • 1:38:35 7.3
    Convert to plain text
  • 1:40:46 8.
    Backup the EndNote library
  • 1:42:48 9.
    Syncing with EndNote online
  • 1:48:36 10.
    Q & A
  • 索引
  • 筆記
  • 討論
  • 全螢幕
長度: 1:53:37, 瀏覽: 849, 最近修訂: 2023-03-21
    • 00:00 1.
      Introducing EndNote20
    • 03:11 2.
      Installing EndNote on Windows
    • 10:45 2.1
      Installing EndNote on Mac
    • 13:32 3.
      Creating an EndNote Library on Windows
    • 17:05 3.1
      Creating an EndNote Library on Mac
    • 19:10 4.
      Introducing user interface
    • 22:00 5.
      Adding new references to the library
    • 22:28 5.1
      Exporting references from Web of Science
    • 28:30 5.2
      Exporting references from EBSCOhost
    • 30:44 5.3
      Exporting references from Google Scholar
    • 35:03 5.4
      Exporting references from PubMed
    • 38:19 5.5
      Importing references from PDF
    • 49:03 5.6
      Manually adding references
    • 54:50 6.
      Managing your EndNote Library
    • 55:25 6.1
      Finding full text
    • 1:02:55 6.2
      Checking for duplicates
    • 1:08:08 6.3
      Using groups
    • 1:15:10 6.4
      Editing PDF
    • 1:20:00 7.
      EndNote and Word
    • 1:20:12 7.1
      Inserting citations
    • 1:30:20 7.2
      Editing and deleting citations
    • 1:38:35 7.3
      Convert to plain text
    • 1:40:46 8.
      Backup the EndNote library
    • 1:42:48 9.
      Syncing with EndNote online
    • 1:48:36 10.
      Q & A
    NCCU Library Resources Guide
    推廣諮詢組 (K09)
    2023-03-21 14:41:48
    2023-03-21 15:40:18